Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Clone Wars Season 6 discussion

Well, after most of us mass consumed the 13 episodes of season 6 of The Clone Wars yesterday... it's time to talk about them! From Order 66, the living and cosmic Force, Anikin's rage, Qui-Gon, to Darth Bane now being cannon. Let's talk about them all. Start your discussion in the comments or share your thoughts on other people's. We waited a long time, so let's enjoy them together!


  1. I'll start off by saying that the Yoda arc was amazing. I loved that Darth Bane is now official cannon. Qui-Gon preparing Yoda to eventually train Luke was a great tie between the OT and the PT eras. The order 66 story answered a lot of questions we've all had since Ep III.

  2. I'm with you Kevin - it's great to see Bane given the canon treatment. I loved both of the Bane novels, and I'm still a little disappointed we never got a third. It's now clear that Bane officially both (i) existed, and (ii) established the Rule of Two, but with the introduction of Moraband as the "homeworld of the Sith" I wonder if other elements of Bane's story (and large portions of other parts of the EU) are now non-canon?

    It was also great to have some questions answered about becoming one with the Force, Order 66, and Sifo-Dyas's role in the events leading up to AotC. One thing I'd always wondered was if the clones were aware of Order 66 before executing it. It seems now that they clearly weren't.

  3. I had always thought that the clones didn't know about the order. As for Bane, if I'm understanding Disney's EU stance it's that none of it happened. It's disappointing. I think they are going to cherry pick it like you would see in a comic book adaptation. There may be some more introduced as cannon, but they are going to make them there own. Mara comes to mind. She pretty much has to be In the new sequel trilogy if their kids are to take over the saga.
